Are Negotiation Strategies Worthwhile for Digital Public Relations and Effectiveness of Communication? A Conceptual Paradigm
Negotiation strategies are the backbone of effective communication, also prompted by digital public relations. This study aims to develop a conceptual framework based on the relationship between negotiation strategies, digital public relations, and communication effectiveness. Past empirical works and industrial insights catalyzed the proposed paradigm in the post-Covid-19 era, where digital public relations mediated the negotiation strategies-communication effectiveness relationship. This paradigm complemented the negotiation theory, which described the correlation between negotiation strategies, digital public relations, and communication effectiveness. Rigorous scientific methodologies were incorporated from the social science domain for model development. Based on the study finding, a paradigm on communication effectiveness was associated with negotiation strategies. Academic and industry stakeholders would benefit from this model by thoroughly analyzing the implications of negotiation strategy types (structural negotiation strategies, strategic negotiation strategies, behavioral negotiation strategies, concession exchange negotiation strategies, and integrative negotiation strategies) in emerging technologies. In terms of study novelty, the recommended paradigm corroborated with the digital public relations mediation relationship while simultaneously considering the post-pandemic environment.
Keywords: negotiation strategies, digital public relations, effective communication, paradigm.
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