Developing Self Body Weight Training Methods to Improve Physical Fitness in the COVID-19 Era: Aiken Validity

Ahmad Nasrulloh, Krisnanda Dwi Apriyanto, Rina Yuniana, Roxana Dev Omar Dev, Dewangga Yudhistira


The COVID-19 pandemic has shown no signs of stopping. On the other hand, the pandemic has negative impacts on human life, one of which is related to stress levels caused by an inactive lifestyle, leading to obesity, hypertension, and other health problems. Exercising is one way to overcome this. As a result, in the COVID-19 era, innovative methods are needed to improve physical fitness. The purpose of this study was to test the validity of the content of the self-body weight training exercise method. This research is developmental with qualitative and quantitative analysis. Participants were seven experts with doctor degrees who were competent in physical fitness and exercise programs. The data collection technique is Delphi and 1-5 Likert scale questionnaire, data analysis using Aiken Validity. The results showed that the 10 question items had a V value of 0.857 to 1,000, indicating that this method had a high validity of the content. In conclusion, the method of self-body weight training exercises can be feasible. In addition, the fragrance in this research is that the models and exercise programs compiled are easy to apply and adjust to the level of fatigue in adolescents to adults.


Keywords: weight training, physical fitness, COVID-19 era, Aiken validity.

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