Tribal Public Health Law in Tenganan Pegringsingan-Bali: An Emergency Preparedness and Response to Covid 19 Pandemic
Public health law is a legal concept not only regulating the provision of health services but also improving the quality of life and extending access to the service for the public members. Covid-19 opens access to health services for the people, and it serves as an indispensable part in the survival of the people, including the vulnerable people of adat law. This research aims to analyze the degree of success in implementing public health law in Tenganan Pegrisingan village-Bali in the scope of preparedness or response to the pandemic. This research employed socio-legal methods involving interviews, observation, and focus group discussion (FGD). Primary data were collected from interviews and FGD, involving the participation of the traditional chief, village head, and other adat figures in Tenganan Pegringsingan-Bali. The research analysis required a descriptive-qualitative approach. This research sees how the tenganan Pagringsingan tribe clings on to their sovereignty to survive and respond to the Covid-19 pandemic without leaving their framework governed by international and national laws. It leads to the research result revealing that the public health law in Tenganan Pegrisingan adat village combines traditional and modern elements and spiritual and science. This approach can set a model for other village communities. The leadership role of adat people that are inherent, strong, and obeyed has made public health law more properly managed and more effective in dealing with the pandemic. The supportive policy framework that is harmonized at all international, national, and regional levels and all over adat villages is a prerequisite to help maximize the potential of tribal public health system innovation.
Keywords: tribal public health law, preparedness, response, Covid-19 pandemic, Tenganan Pegringsingan, Bali.
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