Determinants of Livestream Shopping Reuse Intention in Social Commerce: Role of Trusting Belief and IT Affordance

Muhammad Ashraf, Jamil Ahmad, Muhammad Irfan Chani, Orangzaib, Muhammad Imran Khan, Muhammad Asim Yasin, Muhammad Sajjad, Muhammad Wasim Abbas


Livestream commerce is an emerging form of online social commerce, gaining popularity due to its increasing volume. However, despite the importance of this development, only a limited number of studies exist pertaining to the determinants of livestreaming reuse intention. Additionally, the determinants, processes and consequences of trust in streamers remain largely unexplored in predicting the usage of livestream shopping. This study develops a model identifying the antecedents of livestreaming reuse intention to fill this gap. Based on the trust establishing theory and IT affordance theory, this study aims to examine the impacts of IT affordances (i.e., visibility, metavoicing, & guidance shopping) and trust in streamer on customer intention to reuse livestream shopping. We also examine the mediating effect of customer trust in streamer on the relationships between IT affordance factors and livestreaming reuse intention. For this purpose, the empirical data was collected via an online survey from the users of livestream shopping on the Facebook platform. The data was analyzed using SmartPLS 3, and the results showed that the visibility, metavoicing and guidance shopping affordances of livestream commerce positively influence customer trust in the streamer. The results confirm that customer trust in streamers significantly mediates the impact of IT affordance factors on livestreaming reuse intention. This study has significant theoretical and practical implications.


Keywords: livestreaming reuse intention, customer trust in streamer, IT affordance, visibility affordance, metavoicing affordance, guidance shopping affordance.


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