Contributions of Didactic Mediation to Enhance Skills: Undergraduate Student Training

York Casalins-Maza, Arlys Romero-Plaza, Alexander Troncoso-Palacio, Ángel Perez-Sanchez, Keidy Berben-Soñett, Felipe Muñoz-La-Rivera


Higher education training offered by universities around the world should be supported by high-quality didactic mediation for new professionals to transform the global environment. Therefore, this work presents a statistical analysis of the training process received by students from a university in a Colombian city. The research utilizes of didactic mediation, which plays a fundamental role. Do this, in the theoretical and conceptual section of this paper, a documentary comprehension technique called a survey. As a unit of analysis, according to the result of the population where this study has applied, optimal sample size conform of a sample of 400 randomly chosen students. It evidenced that many of the students had not taken the time to ask themselves what their abilities are, much less identify the spaces assigned to them by the University. This allows us to make evident an imbalance between the theory vs reality. Concluding that, with didactic mediation, it is possible to propose a broad development of the dimensions that each student has, both linguistic and mathematical. Additionally, it concluded that the knowledge that students can acquire in the institutions is focusing on spatial intelligence, mathematics, logic, kinesthetic, and music. But, with the deepening of the didactic mediation, the new professionals will be able, to build better knowledge, and apply modern, more creative strategies, which serve to propose solutions that are viable and contribute to improving society.


Keywords: analysis in higher education institutions, didactic mediation, documentary analysis, comprehensive training, sample survey.


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