Innovation for Development of Integrated Digital-Based Jump Power Meter Test for Measuring Limb Muscle Power in Athletes: Aiken Validity and Inter-rater Reliability

Sri Haryono, Sugiyanto, Agus Kristiyanto, Risa Suryana


Technological advancements create favorable conditions for the world of sports, demonstrating the strength and management of sports through technology. In the 4.0 era, the sports evaluation process is digital already. The test instrument to measure leg muscle power is still done manually today, so a digitally based conceptual design of the leg muscle power instrument is required. Jump power meter (JPM) based on integrated digital technology is an innovative test instrument for limb muscle power with modern technology and the practicality of inputting data. However, for further development, a design assessment by an expert should be carried out. This study aimed to develop a digital-based integrated JPM conceptual design to measure leg muscle power, then tested for content validity and inter-rater reliability. A qualitative and quantitative research method was used with documents and five experts. The first stage of this study was document analysis and field observations, followed by data collection using the Delphi technique in the second stage. The rating scale used was 1-5. The content validity formula for this research was Aiken. Reliability was tested using Cronbach Alpha, while interclass coefficient correlation was used to test the conceptual design of JPM. The study found that the conceptual design of the test instrument to measure jump power could be used to measure an athlete's leg muscle power. Based on the findings of this study, the Aiken coefficient was in the range of 0.85-1.00, with Cronbach Alpha reliability of 0.587>0.6. Meanwhile, the ICC agreements of one rater and between raters are 0.221 and 0.586, respectively. As a result, it can be concluded that the instrument has a high level of content validity and reliability in all aspects.


Keywords: test innovation, jump power meter, integrated digital technology.


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