Blended Learning in the Implementation of Environment Dimension of ESD Infused into Junior High School Science

Mohammad Ali, Disman, Anna Permanasari, Angga Hadiapurwa, Risdiyanto, Hanna Lestari


This study addresses the problem of the extent to which Blended learning is effective for developing Junior High School (JHS) students’ knowledge and attitude toward environment conservation as an ESD dimension. The main objective of this study is to examine the effectiveness of Blended Learning, as a type of delivery system, for developing the JHS students’ knowledge and attitude toward environment conservation as an ESD dimension. This problem is considered a unique novelty in its focus on ESD engagement, which is emphasized not only changing the students' knowledge but also attitude, more specifically concerning environment conservation as one of the main ESD dimensions. The study employs a quasi-experiment using a control group with a pre-test and post-test design conducted in Bandung JHSs. The subjects involved in this study are 216 grade eight students of three JHSs in the city of Bandung as the purposive sample. The subjects are assigned into two groups, the treatment, and the control groups. Data collection uses an achievement test and an attitude scale. The data is analyzed using descriptive statistics and one-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Based on the data analysis, it is concluded that Blended learning on the environmental dimension of ESD infused in JHS science significantly affects the students' knowledge and attitude toward the importance of environment conservation.


Keywords: blended learning, environment ESD dimension, junior high school, blended learning for developing knowledge and attitude.


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