Mapping Ocean Tidal for the Coast of East Sea Area, Viet Nam, by Using the Numerical Model in Curvilinear Coordinates
Tides and their effects on coastal and estuarine water levels are among the most well-known phenomena in coastal research. This study aims to map the tidal constituent features in the near-shore East Sea area, for better understanding of the mechanisms that cause the transport of sediments in the area. Furthermore, the study also points to the potential of tidal energy in the area, clean energy that needs to be studied for exploitation. The authors applied the hydraulic model in the curvilinear coordinates to calculate for 4 main tidal constituents in the near-shore, namely K1, O1, M2, and S2 in the East Sea area, Vietnam. The hydraulic model with two-dimensional orthogonal curvilinear grid has the advantage of increasing the accuracy in the results at the domain boundary, with the applying potential in future small-scale studies in the region. According to this method, the simulation results in areas with complex terrain are better because the velocity field is calculated on a curved grid built by shorelines). The calibration and validation of this model are based on water level data at hydrological stations along the Vietnamese coastline. The result of this model is used to map the harmonic constants and tidal ellipse for four tidal constituents; these help to gain information about the tidal deposition in the East Sea, Viet Nam. The coastal area of Vietnam has potential tidal energy; the largest energy is the tidal constituent O1, followed by the tidal constituents K1, M2, and S2. Tidal ellipses of the residual tidal constituent K1 and O1 are large in the Gulf of Tonkin and the Gulf of Thailand. Meanwhile, residual tidal constituent M2 and S2 are large in the southeast of Vietnam coastal. These results are the primary data for future research in the area.
Keywords: East Sea, numerical model, the curvilinear coordinates, tidal current.
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