The Intuitive Thinking Process of High Ability Students in Mathematical Problem Solving Based on Gender
Intuitive thinking is one approach that can be done in solving mathematical problems. This study aims to analyze the process of the emergence of intuitive thinking of high-ability students in solving mathematical problems related to number patterns in terms of gender. This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach with four class X students with high mathematical abilities, each of two male and female students used as research subjects. Research data was obtained through written answers and interviews with subjects. Credible data was obtained through time triangulation and was analyzed by interactive methods. The results show that the emergence of intuitive thinking in male subjects uses an extension of intuitive thinking flow with a construction strategy. This extension of thinking involves two components of intuitive thinking, feeling, and intervention. In contrast, the emergence of intuitive thinking on female subjects uses intuitive thinking with the strategy of guess and test. Intention thinking flow involves two components of intuitive thinking, feeling and intrinsic. The novelty of our studies demonstrated that gender differences in students determine the method of solving the problem, especially more pronounced in the guessing and re-checking stage, involving the intention thinking flow in female and construction strategy in the male participants.
Keywords: high ability, intuitive thinking, mathematics problem, problem-solving, gender.
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