Study of Co1 and BIK BCL2 Gene Analysis in Gorontalo Local Chicken
Analysis studies of Co1 and BIK BCL2 genes in local Gorontalo chickens were carried out using real-time PCR. This study aims to detect the presence of Co1 and BIK BCL2 genes in local Gorontalo chickens so that they can be used as information on gene diversity that can be used as genetic markers to study the diversity of local chicken species in Indonesia. The method used in this study is the SYBR green real-time PCR method. The research conducted found that the concentration values of the extracted samples were in the range of 68.15-68.30 ng/µL. Meanwhile, the purity values measured at wavelength A260/A280 were obtained with purity ranges between 1.867-1.923. The amplification results of the Co1 target gene show that the Ct value is in the range of 20.90-21.20, while for Tm, it is 84.10-84.20. In the BIK BCL2 target gene analysis, the Ct value was in the range of 16.15-16.20, while for Tm, it was 91.10-91.20. From these results, it can be concluded that all research samples were sampled from six different regions detected with CT and Tm values from the real-time analysis carried out obtained homogeneous values and no more than 2 degrees of difference between samples. The research novelty was using Nisi chicken as the native, one of the local chickens in Indonesia as the object of study. Besides, we used a BIK BCL 2 gene as the marker to determine the genetic diversity of the local chicken. A suggestion for further research is to explore more diverse genes to obtain more data on genetic diversity.
Keywords: chicken, Co1, BIK BCL2, PCR.
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