On the Computation of the Automorphisms Group of Some Optimal Codes Using Genetic Algorithm
Many research papers in coding theory have recently focused on designing high-rate codes or improving codes that exist through a better understanding and then improving the coding and decoding algorithm. As a result, this paper aims to investigate the computation of the Automorphisms groups of some optimal codes (e.g., some linear circulant codes where their distance meets the lower bound and nonlinear Nordstrom-Robinson (24, 28, 6) code). These Automorphisms groups provide information about the structure of the code, which aids in both the design and enhancement and improvement of decoding algorithms. A new genetic algorithm-based method is proposed, with a detailed description of its components, the fitness function, selection, crossover, and mutation, and is used to find an important collection of Automorphisms; the results obtained have shown that the proposed method is effective in finding stabilizers set for some types of codes.
Keywords: automorphism group, optimal codes, genetic algorithm, crossover, mutation.
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