Effect of Psychological Support from Employers to Employees during COVID-19 Pandemic in Bahrain

Muskan Nagi, Janaki Bojiah


This study aims to examine the effect of the psychological support rendered by the organizations to the employees during the COVID-19 pandemic phase in Bahrain. The term 'Corona Virus' came into the picture on December 31, 2019, in Wuhan, China, and then on, it has started spreading rapidly. Bahrain could no more be leading a normal life with its first case witnessed on February 21, 2020, and had to opt for 'work from home.' With the economic recession, the business sector was forced to cut costs, which has made them reduce the number of employees. Nevertheless, there has been psychological support rendered to the employees by the organization, which makes the crux of this study. The research objective was to study the impact of demographics on selected factors: work culture, job security, and psychological support. Further, the study also adds new observation to knowledge by identifying psychological factors considered by respondents as most needed during this covid-19 pandemic. The study was conducted using a self-designed questionnaire based on a 5-point Likert scale. The data were collected using a convenient sampling method for selected corporate companies in Bahrain. Further, semi-structured interviews were conducted one-to-one to understand the respondents' experiences. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used for data analysis. Variables were tested for the significance of the relationship using the Pearson Chi-Square test. Further, factor analysis was also used to understand which factor is considered the most important in contributing to the psychological support provided by employers to employees. The results encapsulate that the psychological support from employers to employees plays a role in inculcating a sense of belonging to the organization and self-esteem development, contributing to the well-being of the self and the family, a harmonious society.


Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, Bahrain, psychological support.




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