Fuzzy Delphi Application of Key Components for ICT-Based Tahfiz Teaching Model Development Design
Tahfiz (memorizing sciences) education is no longer foreign, and it was first accepted ten years ago. Its status of the 21st-century education, which empowers the use of ICT in teaching, requires implementing changes from the viewpoint of teaching. This article aims to obtain expert consensus on designing key components of the tahfiz teaching model based on information and communication technology (ICT) by the Fuzzy Delphi method (FDM) approach using a 7-point Likert scale. The design of the main components for the development of this model is based on the Assure Model. A total of six items for the questionnaire component were given to experts to be evaluated. Next, the data were analyzed using the FDM method, which employs Fuzzy triangle numbering (Triangular Fuzzy Numbers) and Defuzzification Processes. The findings of the study have shown that expert agreement on the main components for the development of this model is good and accepted after the overall expert agreement exceeding 75% as threshold value (d) < 0.2 and Fuzzy score (A) ≥ α - cut = 0.5 were obtained. The main components are arranged in the order of priority and refined with improvements recommended by experts.
Keywords: Fuzzy Delphi application, key components, ICT-based tahfiz teaching model, development design.
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