Application of Technological Tool for the Development and Competitiveness of the Livestock Sector in Quindío, Colombia
Livestock is one of the most important productive lines of the national economy, hence the importance of analyzing its current state, regarding associativity and competitiveness as fundamental axes for increasing the productivity of the dairy sector, designing for this, a sustainable technological tool. The globalized world demands daily new, innovative, and easily accessible technologies for small producers, making them more competitive and productive. Hence, the software design, easily manageable, will gradually lead to the cattle ranchers of the municipalities of Quindío, in Colombia, appropriating tools that will increase their income. This research aims to design and apply a technological tool for producers in the livestock sector of the municipalities of Circasia, Filandia, and Salento, in the Department of Quindío, to increase their competitiveness and associativity capacity, development and competitiveness of the livestock sector in Quindío. For its analysis, the participation of the dairy producers and ranchers’ associations of the municipalities of Filandia, Circasia, and Salento, of Quindío was characterized through interdisciplinary fieldwork, with structured surveys, to develop a user-friendly technological tool later. Based on this, the needs of users, associativity, and later the technological tool were designed. The application of a sustainable and easy-to-use technological tool leads to an increase in competitiveness in the livestock municipalities of Quindío while at the same time being motivated for associativity and teamwork.
Keywords: associativity, sustainability, livestock, technology, software.
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