The Use of Research Method in Top Health Sciences Research Article: A Systematic Review
The definitions of scientific research provided in several books state that it is a logical or rational process based on the systematic collection and analysis of data. This definition has the advantage of emphasizing the importance of the research method design. However, there is no consensus on how research methods should be conceptualized. There is no consensus in health sciences on what constitutes a research method. Very few understand the design of the different sections method and their interrelationships that may influence the result and useful research. Consequently, this review provides an overview of all methodological reports used in a sample of 103 leading articles published between 2016 and 2019 in the health sciences discipline, including medicine, nursing, health professions, dentistry, and veterinary medicine. It indicates that quantitative research is widespread, and observational studies, whether clinical or epidemiological, remain highly exploited in all disciplines. Despite the classification of the studied articles, there are gaps in the sampling section. This work highlights the application and design of research methods used in different disciplines. Thus, their result can determine the impact on health as a science and further research on the application and performance in the research method design. In addition, the results can prompt the rigor and compliance with methodological standards in each method subsection and put under the microscope the under-use of some research methods.
Keywords: health sciences, research method, research design, systematic review, research rigor.
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