The Inhibitory Activity of Medinilla Syrup Butanolic Extract against Candida Albicans ATCC 10231
Vulvovaginal candidiasis is a fungal infection with the leading cause being Candida albicans. It can interfere with women's fertility of reproductive age. Eradication of the vaginal C. albicans can enhance women's fertility. In this case, herbal materials that have antifungal activity may help to reduce the population of C. albicans. One of the prosperous plants is Medinilla speciosa. This plant grows in the area of Colo, Mount Muria, Kudus, Indonesia. As an ornamental plant, the local community traditionally believes that using Medinilla speciosa enhances female fertility. Moreover, Medinilla syrup is available locally. Therefore, this study aims to determine whether Medinilla syrup can inhibit the growth of C. albicans. In this experiment, Medinilla syrup was macerated with butanol. The inhibition zone method, the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) method, and the real-time planktonic growth in the personal bioreactor (RTS BioSan) were used. The MIC of the butanoic extract of Medinilla syrup was 8.44 mg/mL. The real-time planktonic growth showed that the extract added into the growth tubes significantly decreased the growth rate and yields of C. albicans. Medinilla syrup contains bioactive compounds that inhibit the planktonic growth but not the biofilm-growth of C. albicans.
Keywords: Candida albicans, Medinilla speciosa, parijotho, fertility.
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