Internalization of Ocean Literacy Value through Language Learning
The Ocean contributes significantly to human life. It is not a separation but rather a national integration factor of a country. Nowadays, saving the ocean is being a global issue. Thus, the care and awareness to save the ocean are very important to be internalized to the public. This qualitative research aims to describe how to internalize ocean literacy to students through language learning in the classroom. This research showed that the seven principles of ocean literacy could be integrated into language learning. Competencies such as creating posters and understanding the meaning of literature could include the ocean and preserving it. The message conveyed in a text could be strengthened by the insight of the ocean so that students become literate. This study implied that the students would realize the urgency of preserving the ocean and have comprehensive knowledge about ocean literacy through language learning. Therefore, this research is expected to contribute to ocean health and decrease much garbage in the ocean.
Keywords: internalization, ocean literacy, language learning.
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