Characteristics of Working Fluid Flow in Convergent-Divergent Injectors in Vapor Compression – Steam Jet Refrigeration
The vapor compression refrigeration-steam jet refrigeration system (VCR-SJR) is one of the technological innovations that have been widely applied. Vapor compression refrigeration (VCR) and steam jet refrigeration (SJR) are connected by an intercooler. The VCR unit uses the Hydrocarbon MC 22 refrigerant working fluid. The vacuum process in the SJR unit is provided by a convergent-divergent type injector. The performance of the VCR-SJR refrigeration engine is influenced by the characteristics of the working fluid flow in the injector. The technological innovation of this research is the combined VCR-SJR refrigeration machine using a convergent-divergent type injector in the SJR unit and the VCR unit using MC 22 refrigerant. This study aims to determine the characteristics of the working fluid flow in the injector of the VCR-SJR refrigeration machine. The characteristics are the working fluid flow and pressure profiles in the convergent-divergent injector with variations in the suction injector diameter. Visual fluid flow analysis in convergent-divergent injectors is performed by simulation using ANSYS 16.0 with a FLUENT system analysis feature. Validation is carried out by testing an injector that has the following dimensions: suction chamber diameter 28 mm, nozzle inlet diameter 14 mm, suction chamber length 58 mm, secondary fluid inlet diameter (10, 15, and 20 mm), nozzle outlet diameter 5 mm, mixing chamber length 130 mm, throat length 95 mm, diffuser length 130 mm, and injector outlet side diameter 40 mm. It is concluded that the suction side diameter affects the working fluid flow profile in the injector.
Keywords: refrigeration, vapor compression, steam jet, working fluid, injector.
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