Optimization Model of the Way Rarem Reservoir Operation Pattern by Using Stochastic Dynamic Programming

Tisno Subroto, Mohammad Bisri, Lily Montarcih Limantara, Widandi Soetopo


The effective storage of the Way Rarem reservoir is about 59.9 million m3. It began to be operated in 1984 as a multi-function reservoir whose main function is supplying irrigation. However, the other function is flood control in the rainy season. Part of the reservoir inflow has not been functioning, and there is overflow through the spillway in the rainy season. The irrigation area ready to be served was 17,612.75 ha in 2017. Based on the potency of water availability that is high enough, this research intends to optimize the function of the reservoir. The methodology consists of collecting the information or data about the water availability (reservoir data and characteristics), irrigation water need, and the behavior of the farmer cultivating the fields. Stochastic dynamic programming is used for solving the optimization model. Using stochastic dynamic programming for two cropping seasons results in the optimal outflow policy and maximal objective function. The result shows that in the rainy season (MT-I), from the first two weeks of November until the second two weeks of March, the water need fulfilling is about 156.26%. However, in the dry season (MT-II), from the first two weeks of April until the second two weeks of August, the water need fulfilling is about 124.73%, and it is identical with 196.36% of crop intensity. If the irrigation area that will be served is 22,000 ha according to the initial plan, the crop intensity is 177.14%.


Keywords: reservoir operation, stochastic dynamic programming, outflow policy, crop intensity.

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