Solubility of Dry Matter and Protein of Hydrolyzed Feather Meal Fermented by Lactobacillus Casei Shirota

Azizah, Nurhayati, Ella Hendalia, S.R. Maghfiro


This study aims to determine the solubility of dry matter and protein of hydrolyzed feather meal (HFM) fermented by Lactobacillus casei Shirota on different levels. Most of the keratin-degrading bacteria are Bacillus sp, but publications on the potential of Lactobacillus as a producer of keratinase enzymes are still very limited. Materials used in the study were a feather, coconut meal, Yakult as L. casei Shirota resource, instruments of fermentation, instruments of analysis of the dry matter, and protein solubility. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 4 replicated. The treatments were P0 = Feather fermented with 0% L. casei Shirota, P1 = Feather fermented with 5% L. casei Shirota, P2 = Feather fermented with 10% L. casei Shirota, P3 = Feather fermented with 15% L. casei Shirota, P4 = Feather fermented with 20% L. casei Shirota. The data were analyzed by variance analysis and, if progression was present, by Duncan's multiple range test. The study results showed that hydrolyzed feather meal fermented by L. casei Shirota on different levels significantly affected (P < 0,05) to decreased biomass, pH, dry matter, and protein solubility, but not significantly (P>0,05) to characteristic and bulk density of HFM. This study concludes that hydrolyzed feather meal fermented by L. casei Shirota up to level 20% could not increase the solubility of dry matter and protein.


Keywords: dry matter solubility, protein, hydrolyzed feather meal, L. casei Shirota.

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