The Development of Concept Inventory Assessment Integrated with STEM Literacy to Measure Students’ Creative Thinking Skills: A Need Analysis
Improving 21st-century skills and STEM literacy is the main goal of STEM education for students. Assessment is crucial since it is the outcome of the learning process that can be used as a benchmark for students' abilities. This study aimed to analyze teacher needs for product development in an integrated concept inventory assessment with STEM literacy to measure creative thinking skills. This is descriptive qualitative research. Closed surveys, unstructured interviews, and documentation studies were all used to obtain data. The participants in this study were 30 physics teachers from various Indonesian high schools. The results showed that teachers have a diverse understanding of the development concept inventory integrated with STEM literacy, so it is very important to develop this happens because the teachers do not have sufficient experience in making assessments. The teacher made the assessment, and still, in the form of questions towards mathematical completion, there is no literacy charge and is not associated with phenomena in the real world. In addition, the assessment that the teacher has made has not been tested for validity and reliability. The obstacles teachers face are short, and they do not have a deep understanding of STEM literacy in their learning. Therefore, those teachers want a good assessment that can combine the concepts of physics and its application. The teachers' interest in product development shows that 96.7% (29) of teachers are interested and need the development of a STEM literacy-based concept inventory assessment to measure creative thinking skills.
Keywords: assessment, concept inventory, STEM literacy, creative thinking skills, needs analysis.
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