Protection of the Rights of Health Workers in Handling COVID-19
COVID-19 increasingly spreads in various countries with a very large impact in health, social, and economic spheres. Health workers face various problems, so they need to get legal protections and the rights of health workers in dealing with COVID-19 patients. This study is a literature review that aims to explore the protection of the rights of health workers in handling COVID-19. Legal protection and fulfillment of the right to workplace safety for medical personnel who handle the COVID-19 pandemic can be obtained according to Health Regulation No. 66/2016 concerning Occupational Safety & Health in Hospitals, that health workers must also apply occupational safety and health protocols to handle the COVID-19 pandemic. Steps to ensure that health workers have safe working conditions are the government fulfills all rights under Indonesian law.
Keywords: handling COVID-19, health workers, workplace safety, rights protection.
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