Optimization Model of Batutegi Reservoir Operation Pattern by Using Stochastic Dynamic Programming (SDP)

Budi Santoso, Lily Montarcih Limantara, Widandi Soetopo, Sri Wahyuni


This research intends to build the optimization model of water usage downstream of the Way Sekampung River. It is hoped that the upper reservoir release can be optimally adding the discharge of the Way Sekampung River, where the upstream of the Argoguruh weir is reliable to be used as the water needed in the Way Sekampung irrigation area regarding the result of Alt-C cropping pattern manipulation with the area of 55,373 ha and also for intensification. The methodology is used the Stochastic Dynamic Programming (SDP). Using SDP, the optimization model in Batutegi reservoir is hoped to increase the crop intensity in the Rumbia Extension irrigation area of 5,000 ha and give the additional profit for the next (Rp) of the expected value. Based on the existing cropping pattern and the cropping pattern manipulation (crop intensification) in the previous research, the profit is Rp. 37,149,000 per year, which means that on 5% of the area, the cropping pattern manipulation is carried out or 1% of the yearly production for the whole watershed of Way Sekampung irrigation area. The next research using Stochastic Dynamic Programming (SDP) aims to extend the Rumbia extension of 5,000 ha. The results are as follows: the area that can be cropped is 1,082.420 ha, which is 21.68% of the 5,000 ha target or equivalent with the expected value in the amount of Rp. 64,415,350 (18.491%) from the target of Rp. 348,347,000. It is due to reaching the Rumbia extension irrigation area. The expected value based on the income of Alternative-C cropping pattern manipulation is Rp. 3,824,949. After the optimization by using SDP, the income is Rp. 3,879,362,000,000, or the profit is Rp. 64,415,350,000 (= 1.688%) in one crop period in one harvest year. The full profit by using Stochastic Dynamic Programming (SDP) in the Batutegi reservoir is Rp. 101,564,000,000 in one crop period in one harvest year. It is 2.688% of RAAT's existing crop pattern of 2018-2019, prepared by BBWS Mesuji Sekampung.


Keywords: Batutegi, optimization, stochastic dynamic programming, expected value.

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