The Development of Work-Based Learning and Group Investigation Learning Models in Vocational Education Diploma III Nursing

R. Taufiq Nur Muftiyanto, Muhammad Akhyar, Munawir Yusuf, Sri Haryati


This research aims to improve writing skills and learning activities in elementary school students, the victims of the Mount Sinabung disaster in Siosar Relocation, North Sumatra, Indonesia. The fact that happened, students' writing ability was in a low category. The average value of students' writing skills during pre-action was 60.25. The obstacles that occur are that learning tends to be conventional, teachers are considered the main source of knowledge, and teachers have not used media of learning in class. One of the appropriate learning media that can be used to upgrade children's writing skills is audio-visual learning media, media that can display sounds, images, graphics, diagrams, and stories so that learning that is absorbed through sight, as well as hearing, can accelerate students' absorption in understanding subject matter delivered. This research method is Action Research, which refers to the theory of Jean McNiff. The place of research was conducted at the State Elementary School No. 047175 Simacem, Naman Teran District, Karo Regency, North Sumatra Province. The research subjects were 20 grade II elementary school students. The techniques and instruments of data collection are some tests, the observations, part and field notes. The research procedures are planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The results have shown an average of 89 with classical completeness of 95%, an increase of 35% for Formative II, showing improvement and completion by the Minimum Completeness.

Keywords: writing ability, learning activities, audio-visual media, elementary school students, Mount Sinabung.

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