The Development of a Newly Formed Superior Local Chicken in Indonesia – A Review
This paper provides an explanatory review of the development of a new superior local chicken in Indonesia called KUB Chicken. The Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia released KUB Chicken for public consumption in 2014. The selection aims to reduce the incubation nature/period of the chickens to have higher egg productions. KUB chickens can produce between 160-180 eggs per year, with an average daily egg production of 45-50% and up to 65% at peak production. The breeding program of this chicken started in 2017, and the processes involved were designed to strengthen and increase KUB chicken breeders' production capacity, build chicken breeding locations, and develop farmer groups. The program strategy resulted in the establishment of various breeding centers for the distribution of KUB chicken, which is divided into three strata, namely: a) Strata I, in the form of development of DOC (Day Old Chicken) production centers in 7 locations, b) Strata II, in the form of nucleus-plasma DOC growing activities by farmer breeders in 11 provinces, and c) Strata III, in the form of distributing DOC to breeder households, which are spread across 17 provinces, involving 100 households in each province. In connection with the increasing demand for local chicken meat in Indonesia from year to year, the rearing of KUB chicken is certainly a good business opportunity. The prospect of the KUB chicken business is promising, both economically and socially, because it can meet the demand for highly nutritious food and has local and regional market absorption capacity.
Keywords: breeding program, business analyses, KUB chicken, performance.
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