Psychoeducation Dhikr Influence on Oxytocin and Interleukin-8 Levels on Pregnant Women

Sri Wahyuni, Emy Suryani, Sri Sumarni, Henik Istikhomah, Murwati


Emotional instability often occurs in mothers during pregnancy and puts the mother in a vulnerable condition, and is a stress transition, increasing pro-inflammatory cytokines that can trigger preterm labor. The pregnancy period is a condition to be closer to God and make life more meaningful by using religious beliefs as a strong coping mechanism. This study aims to prove that routine midwifery care and psychoeducation dhikr is more decreasing oxytocin and Interleukin-8 levels in pregnant women. The research aims to prove that routine midwifery care and dhikr psychoeducation lowers oxytocin levels and interleukin-8 levels more than routine midwifery care alone. The Quasi-experimental research design with pre-test post-test control group design was applied. Seventy-five pregnant women starting the third trimester of pregnancy completed the entire study series. The psychoeducation dhikr intervention is added to routine midwifery care—a statistical test using the Mann-Whitney test. The mean difference of oxytocin levels in the intervention group (30.18) was lower than the control group (46.03), p = 0.02. The mean difference of Interleukin-8 level in the intervention group (39.84) was higher than in the control group (36.11), p-value = 0.458. Routine midwifery care plus Psychoeducation dhikr is thought to reduce oxytocin levels and lower Interleukin-8 levels in pregnant women, but there is no difference between routine midwifery care. This study provides evidence that psychoeducation dhikr added to routine midwifery care reduces oxytocin levels and lowers interleukin-8 levels more than routine midwifery care itself. Thus, the intervention involves spiritually controlling oxytocin and IL-8 in pregnancy so that it has the potential to prevent preterm labor.

Keywords: psychoeducation, dzikr, oxytocin, IL-8, pregnancy.

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