Lapin Immune Features of Experimental Escherichia Coli-Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Combined Bacterin: A Research Account

Ibrahim M.S. Shnawa


The study aims to develop prototype candidate bacterins, monotypic and combined [balanced x-x and unbalanced 2x-x] from the gram-negative uropathogenic E. coli and P. aeruginosa. These bacterins were applied for specific immune priming of rabbits using multisite injection protocols in weekly dosing for two weeks followed by a week leave, then bled in homologous prime-boost schedules. The secondary immune responses were tempted. The tripartite arms of the immune responses were investigated as TNF alpha, bone marrow mitotic index, splenic body index, IL17 cytokine, antibody titers, cytokine IL4, IL2, and IL10. Combined bacterins are known to exhibit immune interference phenomena. The phenomenology of immune interference in bacterin combinations appeared as follows: one enhances the other, one dampens the other, and one does not affect the other. E. coli was found to be of major and minor immune interfering potentials depending on the nature of bacterin combinations in the sense of quantitative ratios of the bacterin units per unit volume of the developed biologics. Both immune-enhancing and immune-inhibiting forms of immune interference were noted. The developed urocombined bacterin seems to be a novel contribution in continuum with the licensed Uromune, Urovac, and Uro-Vaxom bacterin.

Keywords: bacterin, biologics, combination, development, dampening, interference.

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