Analysis of the Audiovisual Media Development for Basic Self-defense Learning in Sports Science Colleges
The development of learning technology in pencak silat (Indonesian for self-defense) theory and practice course positively benefits Sports Science Colleges. This study aims to find out and develop technology-based learning media to improve students’ learning mastery of basic self-defense. The process of learning self-defense theory and practice course still uses simple learning media and has not yet used the latest technology in learning. The old habit in this discipline uses direct movement examples demonstrated by the lecturers or their assistants. Audiovisual learning media facilitates the students to understand and practice basic movements of self-defense. The development of audiovisual media in self-defense theory and practice learning is very desirable in Sports Science Colleges. It becomes a new way to apply technology in terms of the audiovisual mixture used as a learning reference for the self-defense practice as it is always done through direct actions by trainers over time. Thus, an analysis should be conducted on the effectiveness of audiovisual media development for basic self-defense learning in Sports Science Colleges.
Keywords: audiovisual media, basic self-defense, instructional media.
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