Analysis of Students’ Mathematical Problem-Solving Skills
Problem-solving ability is a mathematical ability mandated to develop through learning mathematics. This study aims to determine how students’ mathematical problem-solving abilities are seen through their ability to solve problems in algebraic forms. This research was conducted on 69 students in three districts in Aceh Province, Indonesia. It used qualitative methods in three kinds of instruments. From this research, the questionnaire results showed that students had good problem-solving abilities, but based on test and interview questions, it was found that students’ problem-solving abilities were in a fairly good or moderate category. The research found that students are unable to reflect and recheck their answers because they do unperfect preparation in the problem-solving cycle. This research was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic condition, with three days of school a week. The research subject is the students of the transition period between primary to secondary education. The mathematical problem-solving skills are unstable. Through the results of this study, it is hoped that educators can optimize efforts to develop mathematical problem-solving abilities because they are important in learning. The research novelty lies in communication techniques applied by students in completing mathematical problem-solving.
Keywords: problem-solving, COVID-19, algebra.Full Text:
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