Family of Traditional Art Worker Kuda Renggong in the Global Pandemic
This research aims to study and analyze economic education in families of traditional art workers during the pandemic. This study uses a qualitative approach; participants are family members of the traditional art community chosen based on willingness to be participants. Data collection procedures are conducted with interviews, observations, and literature studies. Data analysis is done with four stages of analysis: data collection, data condensation, presentation, and data verification. This study shows that economic education in families of art workers occurs naturally or unplanned, but through the habituation process of routines performed in the family, the transparency of parents, and communication in the community of art workers. Parents sometimes still do not realize that they set an example for their child every day to behave economically. Children need a model that can be a source in economic behavior; advice alone is not enough, but a good example can reflect the child in the process of economic education independently. The novelty of this study is that a family head with a background as a traditional artist provides economic education for families to survive during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Keywords: traditional arts, Kuda Renggong, economic education, global pandemic.
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