Factors That Determine the Income of Beef Cattle Farmers and Its Contribution to Household Income

Wahyuningsih Wahyuningsih, Susilo Susilo, Oeng Anwarudin


This study aimed to analyze the determinants of farmer characteristics, external support, and management on farmer income and the contribution of beef cattle farming business to household income. The study was carried out in Sukabumi Regency, Indonesia. This research applied a quantitative approach through survey method, with a research population of beef cattle farmers included in the cattle farmer group. Samples were determined through cluster random sampling. A total of 50 beef cattle farmers were selected as the research sample. Primary data were obtained through questionnaire. Research variables consisted of cattle farmer characteristics, external factors (X2), management of beef cattle (X3), and income of cattle farmers (Y). The technique of data analysis applied in this study was descriptive statistics and correlation. Based on the results of the study, it is concluded that the income of cattle farmers ranged from USD 80 to 3,700, with an average annual income of USD 823.26. Income gained from cattle farming contributed to 40.9% of total income of cattle farmers. The income of cattle farmers has a significant positive correlation (p < 0.05) with level of formal education, number of cattle ownership, government support, quality of stock, origin of ancestor, quality of forage feed, feeding, the use of supplement/concentrate feed, cage condition, and sanitation. The research found that farmer income can be increased through improving cattle farmer behavior, increasing number of cattle owned, strengthening government support, improving the quality of cattle raised, having ancestors with traceable origin and good quality, good quality forage feed, feeding according to need, the use of supplement/concentrate feed, improved cage conditions, and adequate sanitation.


Keywords: cattle farmer income, management, beef cattle.



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