The Effect of Learning Models on Creativity, Knowledge, and Big Ball Game Skills in High School Students

Nugroho Susanto, Nurhasan, Edy Mintarto


This study analyzes the TGFU learning model for sports education, suitable for high, medium, and low achievement students. It compares it towards creativity, knowledge, and skills of big ball games in PE learning for high school students. The update is a continuation of the research suggested earlier. This is done using an experimental design in which the pre-test scores with existing groups can also be controlled. The subjects in this study are high school students of Class XI SMA N 1 Seyegan. The sample is the students of Class XI SMA Seyegan. The sample was divided into three groups: (1) the TGFU group of 64 students, (2) the Sport Education group of 58 students, and (3) the control group of 59 students. Given treatment is two times every week for eight weeks. The data is processed statistically using one-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) and multiple linear regression analysis. For this reason, analysis prerequisite tests are needed, including normality test, variance homogeneity test, linearity test, and multicollinearity test. If it fulfills these prerequisites, it is continued with the parametric analysis, and if it does not meet the food requirements, non-parametric statistical analysis is used. The results of data analysis indicated (1) that the TGFU learning model was able to increase students' creativity by 17.76%, student knowledge by 87.18%, and student skills by 19.93%. (2) The SE learning model increases student creativity by 14.71%, student knowledge 64.08%, and skills by 24.28%. (3) There is a significant difference between the TGFU, sports education, and traditional (control) learning models in influencing creativity improvement in big ball games. The research concludes that (1) there is a significant effect on the TGFU learning model on increasing creativity, knowledge, and great ball game skills; (2) there is a significant influence on the Sport Education learning model to increase creativity, knowledge, and soccer skills; and (3) the TGFU learning model increases creativity and knowledge, while the Sport Education learning model is the most effective in improving ball game skills.

Keywords: model, learning, creativity, knowledge, skills.

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