The Effectiveness of Scientific Collaboration Model on Integrative Thematic Learning in Elementary Schools of Surakarta City

Oktiana Handini, M. Furqon Hidayatullah, Moch Akhyar, Gunarhadi


The process of learning in the level 2013 curriculum uses a scientific approach. By combining integrative thematic learning implemented in all classes in Elementary Schools, which includes all subjects presented in an integrative manner with the theme as a unifier. In particular, this study aims to conduct research and the effectiveness of the Scientific Collaboration learning model to be implemented in integrative thematic learning in Elementary Schools to improve student learning outcomes. The model used in this study is a quantitative descriptive model. This type of study is conducted by Research and Development (R&D) by producing certain products and testing the effectiveness of the products. The collection of the data was done using questionnaires, interviews, documentation, and observation. From the students’ needs, students like to learn in a way that respects them as humans and can make them think critically so they can actively think and act. The two pre-research data from the questionnaire became a reference for researchers to make the Scientific Collaboration learning model effective to be implemented in appropriate integrative thematic learning to improve learning outcomes in the cognitive realm in Elementary Schools in Surakarta City. The effectiveness of the Scientific Collaboration learning model to be implemented in integrated thematic learning that is feasible to improve learning outcomes in the cognitive realm in Elementary Schools in the city of Surakarta.


Keywords: learning, scientific collaboration model, integrative thematic learning.

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