The Controlling Effects of Cultural Dimensions on Job Burnout of Vietnamese Employees by Sexual Harassment in Workplaces

Pham Xuan Quyet, Hoang Cuu Long


This research is conducted to examine the influences of sexual harassment on job burnout, which is controlled by cultural dimensions for those working in Vietnam. Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Theory of Cultural Dimensions are utilized to identify the gap of the study and strengthen arguments. Each relationship is hypothesized and examined with 251 questionnaires distributed to respondents in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The respondents vary from state-owned, joint stock, foreign investment to private companies that provide human interactive products and services. Findings indicate that sexual harassment has negative and direct influences on job burnout, and different cultural dimensions significantly control job burnout. Results also reveal that sexual harassment cases should be investigated further and considered more in-depth to assure an equal working environment. The conducted study has unavoidable limitations, such as bias of respondents and constraints from Covid-19, which led to the inability to directly capture different types of respondents in other cities of Vietnam. Finally, it proposes relevant implications, suggestions, and solutions for any organization as well as directions for upcoming research.


Keywords: sexual harassment, job burnout, cultural dimensions, Vietnamese employees.

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