Pineapple Rooting in Vitro from Sipahutar, North Sumatra, Indonesia, with Addition of Sucrose and IBA
The advantages of Sipahutar Pineapple are that it tastes sweeter, has a low content of water, softer texture, yellowish color, and is suitable with people preference, but up until now, the production is very limited. In vitro rooting was carried out to determine the effect of sucrose addition and Plant Growth Regulator (PGR) Indole Butyric Acid (IBA) on base media MS + 1 ppm BAP of Sipahutar pineapple (Ananas comosus L.) plantlet roots with in vitro. This research was conducted using a completely randomized factorial design. Factor 1: Sucrose in a row, 0, 10, 20, 30 gram L-1. Factor 2: PGR IBA with the dose is 0, 1.5, and 3 ppm. The interaction of sucrose and IBA on MS + 1 ppm BAP basic medium significantly affected the number of roots, the number of leaves, leaf length, leaf width and had no significant effect on other parameters.
Keywords: rooting, indole butyric acid, sucrose, Ananas comosus L., Sipahutar pineapple.
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