Growth Performance and Nutrient Value of Nereis virens Fed by Thalassiosira sp. and Navicula sp.
Thalassiosira sp. and Navicula sp. phytoplanktons are natural feed for Nereis sp. because it has high nutrition and growth and increase of Nereis sp. quality nutrition. The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of feeding with Thalassiosira sp. and Navicula sp on growth performance and nutrition quality of Nereis sp. and to find the optimum feeding formula for Nereis sp feed. The research was conduct at Marine Science Techno Park (MSTP) University of Diponegoro, Jepara, Centra Java. The research material used sea worm (Nereis sp) with an age average of 15 – 30 days; average length 4 – 6 cm; and average weight 0.09 – 0.12 g. The culture media used mangrove sand substrate with a thickness of 10 cm and stocking density of 140 sea worms. Feed was given twice a day at 07.00 and 19.00 for 35 days. The research used a Completely Randomized Design with three treatments (A: Thalassiosira sp. 100%; B: Navicula sp. 100%; and C: Thalassiosira sp. 50% + Navicula sp. 50%) and three replications. Survival Rate (SR), Specific Growth Rate (SGR), Grazing Rate, and Water Quality were obtained in this research. The result showed that the high value of SR, SGR and Grazing Rate was obtained to feed treatment with Navicula sp. 100% at 0.045±0.02 g, 0.85±0.30%/days, 159480.57±2077.39 ind/days, protein 53,85%, 23,74%, EPA 7,98%, and methionine 38,46 ppm. Feeding of Thalassiosira sp. and Navicula sp. gives significant value (P<0.05) to length growth but does not give significant value (P>0.05) to Nereis sp. survival rate.
Keywords: Sea worm (Nereis sp.), Survival rate, Navicula sp., Growth performance, Thalassiosira sp.
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