Effect of Different Substrates on Growth and Protein Content of Caulerpa Racemosa

Seto Windarto, Angga Hendra Prastiwahyudi, Titik Susilowati, Alfabetian H. Condro Haditomo, Dicky Harwanto


Caulerpa racemosa is a green seaweed commonly found in several locations in the Indo-Pacific ocean, including along the coast of Indonesia, especially in Jepara, Central Java. This study aims to determine the best type of substrate to increase the growth of C. racemosa and its protein content. Utilizing the suitable substrate is expected to increase the growth, production, quality improvement, and protein content of C. racemosa. Research on the substrate on the growth and protein content of C. racemosa from Jepara has never been carried out. The treatments used in this research were: A (bamboo woven); B (coral fragments); C (sandy mud); and D (net). Data collected included Absolute Growth, Specific Growth Rate (SGR), the protein content of C. racemosa, and the water quality of the media. Results showed that the values of absolute growth and SGR in each treatment from highest to lowest were C (0.58 ± 0.14), B (0.53 ± 0.14), D (0, 32 ± 0.14), and A (0.24 ± 0.05); SGR were C (3.94 ± 0.60% / day), B (3.77 ± 0.61% / day), D (2.57 ± 1.14% / day) and A (2.05 ± 0.28% / day). The difference in the type of substrate gives a significant effect (P <0.05) on C. racemosa. The type of sandy mud substrate is the best substrate in this study for C. racemosa growth (absolute growth rate values of 0.58 ± 0.14 g and SGR values of 3.94 ± 0.60% / day). On the other hand, the bamboo woven substrate was observed the best for C. racemosa protein content (5.87%). The water quality in maintenance media is in a feasible range for the maintenance of C. racemosa.


Keywords: seagrapes, nutrition, sandy mud, growth, bamboo.

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