Effect of Characteristics on the Treatment Refill Drinking Water Depots (DAMIU) in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi

Nani Yuniar, Asnia Zainuddin, Yusuf Sabilu, Nurmaladewi, Yasnani, Jafriati, Suhadi, Agnes Mersatika


Southeast Sulawesi is a province where most of its residents get drinking water from refilled drinking water depots with an average of 32.7%. The data from the Health Department of Southeast Sulawesi recorded in 2018, there were 670 water depots and significantly increased to 833 depots in 2019. Meanwhile, in 2019, based on the bacteriological tests made in 587 refilled water depots in Southeast Sulawesi, 24 depots did not meet the health requirements. The present study aimed to understand the process of water treatment in DAMIU, raw water storage cleaning in DAMIU, and the quality assessment of refill tools in DAMIU. This study was a descriptive study with an observational approach. As many as 88 depots were selected in this study. Regarding the water treatment standard, as many as 51 (58%) drinking water depots in Kendari had already met the requirements, and the other 37 (42%) depots did not. Meanwhile, regarding the raw water storage cleaning in DAMIU, 34 (39%) depots already met the standard and the other 54 depots did not. Besides, in regards to the quality assessment of refill tools, there were 63 (72%) depots that met the standard, and the other 25 depots failed to meet the standard. The age (year), education, year of managing depots affected the treatment Process of DAMIU Production. The age (year), education, year of managing depots affected the raw Water Storage Tank Cleaning in DAMIU. All typical indicators affected the Quality Assessment of Refill Tool of DAMIU. The government and related parties should monitor and examine the raw water and processed drinking waters periodically and sustainably. They should be more selective in granting a business license according to the standard of drinking water depots.


Keywords: refill drinking water depots, treatment process, raw water storage cleaning, refill tool treatment.

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