Determination of Employee Contribution on Employee Engagement with Employee Motivation as an Intervening Variable
This research attempts to examine the determination of employee contribution through employee engagement with employee motivation as an intervening variable. The objective of this research is to understand factors influencing the contribution of employees at PT Haeng Nam Sejahtera Indonesia to the corporate goals of continuous improvement and performance improvement. The research method is quantitative. The analysis technique is structural equation modeling (SEM) that is applied on quantitative data. The research sample involves 289 employees. The research has obtained several results. Organizational culture has a negative effect on employee motivation. Job characteristics have a positive effect on employee motivation, but the effect is not significant. Job environment has a positive and significant effect on employee motivation. Employee motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee engagement. Employee motivation has proved to be intervening or mediation variable for the relationship of employee engagement with other variables.
Keywords: employee engagement, employee motivation, job characteristic, job environment, organizational culture.
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