Business Aspects Mapping for to Attract Digital Startup Investors

Adrian Kosasih, Sfenrianto


Developing a clear business plan for digital startups is crucial for them to find investors. is a digital startup needing investors, but its founder has had difficulties finding them because it lacks a comprehensive business plan. This study aims to find detailed and easy-to-understand business models to help develop its business plan and thus be able to find investors. We use the Business Model Canvas as a model to develop’s business plan because we found it is the best template for addressing’s unique business situation. The sequential steps used in this study analyze the business processes of to gather the information needed to complete the Business Model Canvas. Necessary components include information on key partners, key activities, key resources, value propositions, customer relationships, channels, customer segmentations, cost structure, and revenue streams. With that information this study maps it into the Business Model Canvas framework, which then allows to begin reaching out to potential investors. This study collected data using the observation method, that is, by interviewing key members of such as its founder, Chief Information Officer (CIO), and marketing team. This study successfully maps the business aspects of through the Business Model Canvas framework, which ultimately helps find needed investors.


Keywords: digital startup, investor, business aspects mapping, Business Model Canvas.

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