Artificial Intelligence Application for Road Paving Assessment Using 360 Mobile Mapping
Maintaining and repairing the roads is crucial to prevent unwanted incidents from happening. Inspecting the paved roads is required to identify any maintenance needed and costs incurred. Usually, the roads, especially flexible paving will not last forever once built. As a result of cracking, cutting, and polishing, the road surface will wear out after being used constantly. The automation of road crack detection is highly essential due to reducing workload and maintenance costs. With modern technology, artificial intelligence applications can help create a better-quality environment. The visual condition of paved roads will be identified - by using artificial intelligence applications to improve road maintenance operations. In this study, the paved road images are acquired by using 360 camera mobile mapping system images (MMS) technology. This technology creates a 3D view and can provide vital information for many applications. Therefore, using artificial intelligence applications is a potential technology that could be applied for paved road management using 360 mobile imagery.
Keywords: mobile mapping, road, artificial intelligence.
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