Analysis of Factual Model of Training Management for Junior High School Teachers North Konawe Regency in the COVID-19 Era
Success of education is very dependent on the strategic role of teachers, therefore along with the times, teacher competence is a mandatory requirement that must be improved. This study aims to analyze the factual model of training management for state junior high school teachers in North Konawe district in conditions of COVID-19. Data collection results through closed and open interviews: some teachers in North Konawe said that their competencies were a legal requirement that must always be improved. Teachers wanted training activities still being carried out. Still, during the pandemic, some activities which used to have been routinely carried out at the P&K service are no more carried out at all. The training activities carried out were classical or face-to-face activities. So far, it has been done face-to-face, but in the era of COVID-19, it is no longer done, so it needs a special model so that it can be done or implemented. It has been more or less 2 years that the education and training activities are no longer carried out. In the implementation of the training, it is carried out for 5 days of activities, with the training participants being given permission to temporarily not carry out their main tasks and staying in a hotel where it has been agreed to carry out the training even though the activities must be carried out considering demand the teachers must master 4 teacher competencies. In closed interviews, it was found that respondents who had been carrying out face-to-face training, experienced obstacles. It is believed that the Technology Acceptance Model from Davis can solve this, so it is necessary to hold a training development management to accommodate training participants in the COVID-19 era.
Keywords: education & training management, technology acceptance model, COVID-19.
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