Integrated Security System Implementation for Network Intrusion
Network security systems vary much according to the circumstances and conditions concerned. A network security system plays a very important role in maintaining network security to prevent attacks and protect us from frequent attacks on a device through a network both in terms of malware administration and data theft. This research aims to build a Honeypot security system as a trap, detect attacks, and be able to get useful information from malware analysis results. It is also focused on the extent to which HIDS-based IDS can detect attacks common in the network, with Honeypot Dionaea, which serves as an attracter for attackers, and what information will be obtained when performing analysis malware using Cuckoo Sandbox. This implementation is carried out with six active users in one network and pays attention to whether IDS can detect the attacker. The results show that HIDS-based IDS has the advantage of monitoring digital data, and based on the results of brute force attack attempts obtained, 65.55% detected an attempt to log in using an unregistered username, 29.16% detected a failed login attempt, 4.17% detected double log in a short time, and 1.11% detected a brute force attempt to gain access to the system. Cuckoo Sandbox can provide malware information in the form of what types of malware are analyzed, how the malware behaves, and how it impacts the malware on the systems attacked.
Keywords: Honeypot, Intrusion Detection System, malware, network, security.
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