Not Privatization but Partnership: Government Policy in Providing Public Service Infrastructure in Indonesia

Sugeng Suharto, Sri Suharti, Untung Muhdiarto, Londa Very Yohanes, Sam Ratulangi


This study aims to determine the use of partnership patterns by the Indonesian government in providing public service infrastructure. The method used in this research is exploration; the writer examines the facts in-depth, then analyzes them with the relevant theoretical approach. The results show that this partnership puts forward the Tripatrit concept, which protects the interests of the state, corporations, and society without superiority. From 2015 to 2016, infrastructure development increased by 60% (154.7 to 256.1 Trillion) and by 71% (269.1 - 379.7 trillion) from 2017 to 2018. In addition, this study shows that the concept of Public-Private Partnerships is based on the equity in the provision of public service infrastructure to the private sector through State-Owned Enterprises. Therefore, a cooperation agreement was made by the government in collaboration with the private sector. That is what is called Government Cooperation with Business Entities, not privatization. The government regulates that the private sector does not exercise monopoly, so common interests between the government, society and companies are established. This partnership pattern is right in Indonesia, not privatization.



Keywords: privatization, partnership, government cooperation with business entities.




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