Determination of Low Level 137Cs in Environmental Water Sample Using AMP Method and a Review Comparing with Other Adsorbents

Deddy Irawan Permana Putra, Shinya Ochiai, Seiichi Tomihara, Wahyu Retno Prihatiningsih, Murdahayu Makmur, Seiya Nagao


A large amount of fission-yield 137Cs product has been released into the environment due to nuclear power plant activity, nuclear weapon tests, and nuclear power plant accidents become a great concern to human health and ecological life. Radioactive cesium in the environment is potentially dangerous to aquatic organisms because it has a chemical similarity to potassium and could be quickly accumulated in internal organs. In this study, ammonium phosphomolybdate (AMP) was prepared and used as a coprecipitation adsorbent to separate radioactive 134Cs and 137Cs from environmental water samples. Optimized initial pH solution, CsCl as a carrier, and AMP amount were modified to achieve the adsorption's optimum conditions. Furthermore, the gamma rays emitted from 137mBa as a daughter of 137Cs were measured with a low background high purities Germanium detector. Using this method shows the right consistency with the result by γ-spectrometry and demonstrated a higher radiochemical recovery. AMP's chemical yield was ranged from 90% - 96%, and MDA for 137Cs was 0.30 mBql-1. Finally, this method was convenient for applying and suitable for analyzing low-level activity concentrations of 137Cs in routine monitoring with a few improvements.



Keywords: 137Cs, adsorption, ammonium phosphomolybdate, environmental water.



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