The Influence of Transformational Leadership on the Job Satisfaction of Civil Servants at the Nha Trang Tax Department

Vu Van Dong, Pham Van Tai, Tran Nha Ghi, Nguyen Ngoc Thanh


Job satisfaction of civil servants to the organization is a very important issue in human resource management. Factors affecting job satisfaction have been carried out a lot from previous studies. In Vietnam, factors such as transformational leadership affecting job satisfaction are still very limited in the public sector. Therefore, this study is conducted to test the impact of transformational leadership on the job satisfaction of civil servants at the Nha Trang Tax Department. The study has used qualitative and quantitative research methods (SEM). The results showed that there are 5 factors affecting job satisfaction of civil servants: Intellectual stimulation(IS) (β = 0.32); Inspirational motivation (IM) (β = 0.264); Idealized Influence Attribution (IA) (β = 0.194); Individualized consideration (IC) (β = 0.159); Idealized Influence Behavior (IB) (β = 0.127). The study has theoretical and practical contributions. In terms of theory, the study has re-examined a new space on the impact of transformational leadership on job satisfaction. In terms of practicality, the results have important implications for the Nha Trang Tax Department leaders, paying attention to the leadership style that creates changes to help civil servants feel satisfied at work. Some limitations and further research directions are mentioned in this study.

Keywords: transformational leadership, job satisfaction, civil servants.




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