The Effect of Additional Probiotics on Different Media to Gourami Fish Osphronemus goramy; Lacépède, 1801 Efficiency of Feed and Growth
Treatment in this study results from the first study where the treatment of feed formulation C gives the best results compared to other feed formulas. Therefore the formula of feed C is used in the 2nd phase of research, in different probiotic media, namely probiotic media CA (0 ml/L), CB (5 ml/L), CC (10 ml/L), and (15 ml/L) CD, while the feed for each treatment was added with probiotic 6 ml/kg of feed. The feed is with 32% protein. The test fish that is used is an average individual weight of 6.04±0.2 g/head. The test fish is maintained with a solid spread of 10 heads/m3 using bucket containers with a volume of 10 liters with a maintenance length of 42 days. Feeding was at 08.00, 12.00, and 16.00 on a fixed feeding rate. This research is conducted by an experimental method using Complete Randomized Design (RAL) with four treatments and three repeats. The data is observed including feed consumption rate (TKP), relative growth rate (RGR), feed utilization efficiency (EPP), the protein efficiency ratio (PER), feed conversion ratio (FCR), survival rate (SR), and water quality (temperature, pH, DO and NH3). The most optimal EPP treatment is CC 95.92±2.49%, PER value is 3.00±0.077%, and FCR is 1.67±0.03. The most optimal growth treatment is the C treatment, RGR 6.11±0.07%/day, and the absolute long growth value is 4.14±0.05 cm. The water quality in maintenance media is in a feasible range for the maintenance of fish tests.
Keywords: Gourami, probiotic media, efficiency of feed, fish growth.
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