Sikerei Lifestyle in Cultural Preservation for Sustainable Tourism in Mentawai Island, Indonesia

Ismeth Emier Osman, Myrza Rahmanita, Himawan Brahmantyo, Djoni Wibowo, Tri Djoko Sulistiyo


Sikerei (Mentawai Shaman) are often connoted as spiritual leaders amongst indigenous people of Mentawai. Sikerei perform various rituals such as medicine and healing, baby birth, moving house, and many more. Hypothetically, the Sikerei lifestyle plays an important role in preserving culture that is considered to be one significant pillar in sustainable tourism, besides the economy and environment. However, they face problems as Sikerei and the original Mentawai cultures have begun to lose their importance and are in danger of extinction. Not only because modernization has started to enter Mentawai, other influencing factors are the egalitarian nature, local values and lifestyles of Sikerei as representatives of the indigenous Mentawai. This study is intended to map the Sikerei lifestyle by the theory of basic values, which identifies ten basic values belonging to most people, followed by an explanation of the dynamic relationship between them. This quantitative research is conducted through a survey that comprises of 30 questions. The survey was carried out on 26 respondents, all of whom are Sikerei. Backed up by interviews, observation, and documentation, the research instruments were then collected, verified, analyzed and interpreted. in order to answer the research objective, which is to map Sikerei lifestyle in preserving culture for sustainable tourism (development) in Mentawai, which is South Siberut to be precise. This research shows that, firstly, among the two research areas in South Siberut, different phenomena were encountered. Secondly, there is a similar, yet slightly different lifestyle amongst Mentawai Sikerei; divided into the top three categories, which are conservation, self-improvement, and openness-to-change. Thirdly, regardless their dissimilar backgrounds and slightly distinct lifestyles, most Sikerei have a conservationist lifestyle. This study concludes that Mentawai culture would be well taken care of through the significant role of the Sikerei. The existence of Sikerei lifestyle is to be supported as for their culture to be preserved, aimed at sustainable tourism development throughout the islands of Mentawai.



Keywords: lifestyle, cultural preservation, Sikerei, Mentawai, sustainable tourism.




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