Rice Bran Substitution Effect Using Fermented Rumen on Consumption, Egg Production and Feed Conversion of Duck
This study aimed to determine the effect of flour of fermented rumen digesta as a substitute for rice bran towards feed consumption, egg production, and feed conversion ratio of Khaki Campbell duck. This research used 50 Khaki Campbell ducks aged 24 weeks old. The method used rice bran substitution using alternative materials like fermented rumen digesta flour with some percentage and then observed feed consumption, egg production, and feed conversion ratio of duck. This method used a "Completely Randomized Design" with 5 treatments and 5 replications. The treatment used was fermented rumen digesta flour with varying doses 0% (T0); 7.5% (T1); 15% (T2); 17.5% (T3); and 25% (T4). Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and continued with Duncan's Multiple Range Test of SPSS. The result showed that the best treatment was addition 17,5% rumen digesta (T3) were significant differences (p<0.05) between other treatment on feed consumption (gram/duck/day) = 138.51a± 7.643 (T0); 140.14a± 7.823 (T1); 142.06ab± 6.070 (T2); 150.77b± 5.510 (T3); 141.04a± 7.166 (T4), on egg production (gram/duck/day) = 68.57a± 16.714 (T0); 60.00a± 21.773 (T1); 55.71a± 3.438 (T2); 56.42a± 18.898 (T3); 34.28b± 20.981(T4), and on feed conversion ratio = 3.35a± 0.626 (T0); 3.78a± 0.449 (T1); 4.48a± 1.174 (T2); 4.93a± 1.925 (T3); 8.36b± 4.661 (T4). The conclusion is that fermented rumen digesta as a substitution for rice bran can be used until dose 17.5% in formula feed to improve feed consumption, egg production, and feed conversion ratio of duck.
Keywords: rumen digesta, Khaki Campbell duck, feed consumption, egg production, feed conversion.
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