Physics Virtual Learning Simulation to Enhance Students' Critical Thinking Skill: Virtual Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Chyta Anindhyta, Widha Sunarno, Sri Budiawanti


Developing critical thinking skills has been set as an educational goal in Senior High School for many years. This goal is increasingly important because by improving critical thinking, students can get higher-order thinking skills (HOTS). Even more, during this current Covid-19 pandemic, learning activities at schools are limited and replaced with virtual learning. Many simulations must be carried out that impact critical thinking skills in the learning subject, especially in Physics. This study investigates the relationship between virtual physics simulations and critical thinking skills of High School students in Indonesia. It is quantitative research with 69 regular students at SMA Negeri 3 Pati selected as the participants. The research shows that virtual simulation impacts students' critical thinking skills, and its subdomain can explain nearly half of the variants of critical thinking skills. This thesis is expected to provide an overview needed for students in online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.



Keywords: critical thinking skill, virtual learning, virtual simulation, COVID-19 pandemic.




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